Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Soup makes unemployment tasty.

Just got back from an interview and I am hoping this is the one. Although, I say that every time. The economy is killing me. Oy.
So instead of complaining... I cook. This is my sisters favorite soup. I made it when she came to visit me and it was all gone 2 days later. Here it is...

Minestrone Soup
1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 cup celery
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 small zuchinni, sliced
1/2 cup beans
4 carrots, chopped
3 1/2 cups cold water
1 bouillion cube
1 can tomatoes ( or 6/7 fresh tomatoes)
2 large spoon fulls of tomato past
1 tsp salt
1 healthy bunch of fresh basil
1 tbsp oregano
3/4 cup favorite pasta (I like the little wheels)
In deep pot on medium, heat oil Saute onion, garlic, carrots, celery until everything is tender. Add water, tomatoes, tomato paste, salt, herbs and slowly bring to a boil.Add bouillon cube. Stir constantly. Lower heat and let simmer for approximately 20 min. Add zucchini and beans simmer for another 20 min and then add favorite pasta and simmer for another 10 min. I like to serve the soup with grated parmesan cheese.

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